
© 2016 Diane Haskell. All rights reserved.
Box 1777, Valleyview, Alberta T0H 3N0| email: DianeHaskell@live.ca | call: (780)-524-6816
What should we wear?
Get the most out of your session!
Further Questions?

Give me a call at
(780) 524-6816
Diane Haskell Photography
The general rule, unless you are going for a fashion or fantasy look session, is to wear clothes that are not the main focus of the photo. So families wear clothes in the same colour pallet and then the attention is brought to the faces and the connections between the people. Classic, simple clothing will hold up to the test of time. 
What time should we be there?
Let’s try and meet up at the location of your choice  or my garden or basement studio 5 minutes early :-)

Let me know ahead of time if anyone in your family has special needs or mobility issues so I can plan accommodations.

PLEASE let me know if you plan to cancel
I can take cash or cheque on the day of your session or e-transfer before the session. I am not required to charge GST at this point.

I require a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold a session date and time for new clients. This fee is put towards your session cost. People who have booked (and shown up) with me in the past are not required to make a deposit. 
Photo Ideas
I will have some ideas and if in my own garden, will already have seasonal backgrounds prepared for your session. I am very much in favour of YOU bringing ideas you have found in magazines and places such as Pintrest and sharing them with me so that I can focus on the types of photos you will LOVE. I will assume that because you are paying for photos you will want more of the traditional poses with everyone in your party looking at the camera rather than casual fun snapshot styles. I personal like to have a mix of both types of photos so this is part of the brief meeting we have before the shoot. It is your choice.
Photography Style & Quality
You should look around my website to see if my photography style is to your liking. My portrait shots are generally done in the modern style, focusing on the face and blurring the background. I don’t always directly centre my subject to allow for a more creative pose. If you would like to see all the details in the background and have centered photos then let me know at our pre-shooting meeting to avoid disappointment. I really want people to love their photos. 
My regular package deals are extremely good value when you consider that you get unlimited printing rights! Compare my prices and your printing costs to pay-per-sheet photography prices with very limited usage rights. 

If you should find that your budget would not allow a session with me – please let me know how much you would like to spend and I can see what I can do for you. 

The Online Gallery option is gone for 2023 
Unfortunately both the cost of the service for the small scale of my business and the poor internet service I have at home for uploading files made the galleries, though lovely, not workable. Back to USB sticks. 
Education and Experience
I have taken photos since I was a teenager and owned a DSRL camera since 2012 – I have been learning and improving my technical skills through experience and equipment upgrades. I took a Digital Photography course in 2016 through the Red Deer Collage in which I earned a fianal mark of 97% 
Studio and Garden
I have an area in our basement that can be set up for portrait shots and small family groupings, these sessions, by nature will be mostly traditonal poses but there is still room for fresh and fun ideas! It is not wheelchair accesable. 
My country garden is the source of many beautiful wild backgrounds, and it is here that I take unique poses with seasonal props such as hay bales, vintage desks and pumpkins. These sessions are dependent on weather. Should the weather not work out for your session, we can re-book at a mutually agreed upon date and time and I will honour any specials price deal you may have had or you could opt for a traditional indoor backdrops photo if your party size is small enough. 
Directions to our Home 
Thank you and copywrite acknowledment to Google Maps. It takes me about 10 minutes to get home from Valleyview. If you have a GPS you can put in 
22043 TWP RD 714
If you are happy with your photos I would appreciate positive feedback and your recommending me to your friends. If you are unhappy please let me know and we can talk about re-takes or refunds.
Compassionate Sessions
Please enquire: I do discreet, free of charge
sessions for those families facing severe or 
terminal health issues.
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